GT Website

Hakiu's to share:

We went to war when
the luxingburg came ahore
Help start World War I
Kids eating icecream
laughing in the bring red sun
swimming in the lake
monkeys are funny
monkeys eat bananas for
every meal time
baseball bats batting
hitting the ball as it comes
there is a homerun
                        N.S. and J.F
A full moon on
a starry night. My heart flutters
when you come closer
                         M.L. and C.M.

I love my brother
he is the weirdest ever
I am so lucky

I love dogs and cats
they are so so lovely but
they can be harmful

My pencil in hand
my thoughts run freee as a bird
my story is done

In the sky we hear
the mocking jays four note song
as it hovers by

Up in the sky high
they fly and sing their soft song
quietly stand listen in awe

Something on the wing
It rips apart the metal
No one else sees it

Make an article:
Think of something that interests you. Find three reliable sources and read about it. Then, write your own article to be published in the Forrester's Fab news paper.

Comic Maker
Geography Extra Credit: Country Study

Can you decide where, when, and why something happened in history?
History Detective


Middle Ages

Ancient Civilizations